Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Spit on this

Why do people spit on the street? Never in Australia, except maybe for a random teenage boy trying to look tough, have I seen people spitting on the streets the way they do in London. I am beyond disgusted by this.

Today, within the space of a minute, on a small side street in Camden Town, I was graced with the presence of not one but two spitters. Thankfully only one was preceded by a loud, drawn-out and juicy hawking. It took all my presence of mind not to grab the spitting idiots and promise that I would hunt them down when the flu pandemic hits because they will be guilty of malicious infection-spreading behaviour, and I hope you don't have TB because that's a really nice thing to spread too. Ok, I'm too much of a wuss to actually do it, and I'm probably just making the flu and TB things up because I'm so grossed out, but I want to every time.

Apparently this is not unusual in some Asian cities. Years ago a friend visited Hong Kong and, as well as the spitting, was stunned to see a business-suited gent lean over and calmly vomit into the gutter on his way to work. At least he used the gutter. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed that while camping on Moreton Island in the 90's, I made my drunken stumbling way to our hole-in-the-ground toilet before I threw up. The brown snake killed not far from that spot the next day was not a happy surprise.

But I digress. Spitting is one area where the internet cannot possibly annoy me as much as real life. Internet people may use the word cliche incorrectly. They don't spray their slimy bodily fluids, accompanied by disgusting noises, over the places I want to walk.


Anonymous said...

Do you know any "Cutters"?
Underachieving, artistic drama queens that like to cut themselves.
The sort of people that blame all their life failings on other people and mostly imagined past abuse?
The majority of them read about cutting on the internet, and will only later develop the much needed abuse back story as a justification for their love of self injury.

I can help heal these girls. They'll never want to see a knife again.

See this:
What a loser, if only I had found her first.

Anne said...

Lots of different people cut themselves. I used to, and I'd never heard of it. Don't generalise, please.

Anonymous said...

Um, that's a weird comment.