Monday, August 28, 2006

Kiddie torture, or art?

Photographer Jill Greenberg is in the news for her latest exhibition, End Times, which illustrates her political views by showing distraught naked children.

The children I photographed were not harmed in any way. And, as a mother, I am quite aware of how easily toddlers can cry. Storms of grief sweep across their features without warning; a joyful smile can dissolve into a grimace of despair. The first little boy I shot, Liam, suddenly became hysterically upset. It reminded me of helplessness and anger I feel about our current political and social situation. The most dangerous fundamentalists aren’t just waging war in Iraq; they’re attacking evolution, blocking medical research and ignoring the environment. It’s as if they believe the apocalyptic End Time is near, therefore protecting the earth and future of our children is futile. As a parent I have to reckon with the knowledge that our children will suffer for the mistakes our government is making. Their pain is a precursor of what is to come.

To get the images she says she had the children's mothers give them a lollipop, then the mother took it away and Jill snapped their reaction. A bit cruel, maybe, but how long does it take to take a photograph, and how quickly did those kids forget once the lollipop was back in their grubby little paws. Then again, I don't know if I could volunteer my hypothetical child to take part in such a shoot. And maybe if I had a child, my reaction to this would be completely different. But comparing it to child abuse, as some misguided souls have done, is ridiculous, and offensive to those who have survived real child abuse.

If you want a rather different take on the photos, check out Thomas Hawk's blog. And here you can see the minor internet furore discussion of Jill's tactics has engendered.

In other news, it's the last night of a four-day weekend and the prospect of work is not looking too good just now. However, with the poet still away (8 days and counting) looking after his mother who was taken ill on holiday in Italy, it's probably just as well I have something constructive with which to occupy myself. I'm very independent, but come on, we just got married!

1 comment:

Anne said...

actually, i completely agree with you. it is just a lollipop.