Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Because not much has happened since I last posted

  • I went back to work 3 days a week at the end of October (will be 4 days from April)
  • I have had chronic ideopathic urticaria since a couple of weeks before that (i.e. hives for which no obvious reason can be found) and they persist! This is my fourth bout since I was 16 and every other time they've just gone away after about a year, so, fingers crossed.
  • Speaking of which, Matteo just worked out he can cross his fingers. No photos of that, but plenty of others. Weirdly, I took no photos in November, only videos.
October 2009

December 2009

January 2010

(good look, that dribbly chin)

February 2010

(he had his ankles crossed in utero, too)

March 2010

Life is good.


Marina said...

And teddy! Matteo is just so beautiful. And his eyes are even bigger and more gorgeous in person!

Thanks for coming to meet me yesterday - it was so good to see you again. Sorry it was such a short visit, though! I'm hoping to come back in a few months (without Theo though), so hopefully we can find the time to catch up properly then.

Theo loved meeting you guys, too. He keeps telling me how he saw "Ann-atteo" in London!

Nutmeg said...

GORGEOUS! His eyes really are something!