Monday, March 02, 2009

Things I thought I would never ever be able to do again when I was newly postpartum

(and now do all the time)

  • Read a book
  • Sell books on Amazon
  • Sleep during most of the dark hours without being woken until morning
  • Be woken by anything other than our baby crying
  • Sit in a coffee shop and read a book
  • See a film at the cinema (ok, I've only seen two so far)
  • Housework - I wasn't missing this, I can tell you
  • Make a meal
  • Write in a journal
  • Organise all the digital photos of our baby
Add to all that my very active presence on ebay as both buyer and seller of baby items and , while I'm not back at work yet, I'm achieving more than I ever dreamed would be possible. I am so glad to be out of that helpless, hopeless space.

Tomorrow we start a mother & baby yoga and baby massage course, and I'm slightly apprehensive. I'm no yoga bunny and I am fearful of a huge dirty nappy at just the wrong moment.


Anonymous said...

My wife and I were discussing this 70's French lesson taught in school and came across your dialog was the very one we were looking for, how funny.
I remember the ending being something like...
--Hey, Don't argue all the time:
[Allez, nes discout pas tu les temp,]
--Good, Anne prepares the dessert and I'll eat it!
[Bon, Anne prepare la desert et moi je gout!]
MOst likely mispelled, but that is how I remember the textual dialog.
Thanks for the memories...

best regards
Phoenix, Arizona USA

Michele, Anne, vous travaillez?
Euh, non, nous regardons la television. Pourquoi?
Les Duponts arrivent dans une heure.
S'il te plait Maman, encore cinq minutes.
Pas de question, il y'a beaucoup a faire.
Mais nous manquons toujours la fin.

Anne said...

I am *so* confused by the above comment. As far as I know, I have never posted any French dialogue in my blog. Or am I not getting the point?