Saturday, October 20, 2007

You get what you give

This song has always had the strangest and most lovely effect on me - both saddening and uplifting. Now it also makes me homesick. I think I might have heard it for the first time in Australia (although it was released the year I came to London) and there's something about being twenty-seven in a bright climate in a young country that is so bittersweet now.

I still think it's slightly too slow-paced, but I can overlook that. The singer is kind of geekily endearing. Like a cute younger brother.

1 comment:

Cristina Petrucci-Baker said...

Oh my Gosh, I so remember that song....but they used in a TV commercial over here so now all I can think of is that...can't remember what it advertised though. It is very probably filmed in a shopping mall in Wisconsin or something......!?X