Wednesday, September 12, 2007


How sad would it be for me to start carrying around my digital camera, just so that I would be able to gather photographic evidence of the blatant disregard for law that seems endemic in the UK today? Laws that are meant to protect the public.

e.g. two perfect opportunities from today

1. A van driving the wrong way down a one way street and nearly running me over. If I hadn't chanced to look in that direction just in case of idiots (a cyclist nearly mowed me down on the same street doing the same thing), it would not have been a pretty sight.

2. A man driving along while using his mobile phone. No hands free kit even.

I fantastised as I walked about getting clear photos showing the crime and the registration plate and sending them to the police, but who am I kidding?

It seems that too many people just want to do what they want to do, regardless of whether it might harm someone else. They obviously didn't have the same parenting I did. Which probably means they didn't get drummed into them that 'fooling leads to fighting' either. It does, it really really does!

1 comment:

Cristina Petrucci-Baker said...

Makes my blood boil...Bush Hill Park has an epidemic of blatant disregard for law. To start with, crossing the great cambridge road...cyclists never want to stop at the lights. Drivers give you dirty looks for making them stop, like it's an inconvienence. The other day some dumb-arse cyclist went straight through the light and had the cheek to thank me for letting if he has to get to where he has to go more importantly than me. X