Saturday, October 28, 2006


The really scary thing about The Devil Wears Prada?

There are people out there who empathise more with the character of Emily
than with Andy.

I think I sat next to one in the cinema.


Thanks to Eden over at Fussy, I've signed up for NaBloPoMo (well, I've emailed saying I want in). It makes more sense to me to commit to posting once every day in November than it does to attempt to write an entire novel over the same time period. Must be the perfectionist in me, but I don't want to write a novel unless it's good, and it won't be good if I write it in four weeks.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Say what?

Ah, the intelligence of our local discount retailers. Maybe they're targeting the very niche market of Mary and Joseph?

Xenophobic christmas cake

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Favourite things for autumn

A.M. Homes' novels.
Green Wing - funniest television show ever! This year.*
Winter-weight duvets.
Secretly planting masses of tulip bulbs, hoping to surprise the poet, who warned that tulips are difficult to grow. **

Not so favourite:

* Against my better judgement, I have a slight crush on Guy.
** Fending off bulb-nibbling squirrels.