My week (and a bit)
by Anne
Wednesday 25/6: 4 hours sleep the night before. Fly to Berlin. Walk around all day. Go to some middle-of-nowhere place in East Berlin just for the hell of it and find there is nothing there. Find out from a colleague at work later that its name means 'Mosquito Bridge'. We did actually see some mosquitoes. Wander back into town and stumble across Checkpoint Charlie (bonus!). Get no sleep because Germany won the football and the whole city decides to stay awake outside our hotel window. With fireworks. Note to self - do not stay on the Ku-damm when Germany is playing in the European Cup (I think that was what it was). Actually... Revised note to self - do not go to Germany when Germany (or Turkey) is playing in the European Cup.
Thursday 26/6: Walk around all day in Berlin. Catch a tram to the end of the line in East Berlin and find... huge Soviet-style mega blocks of flats, more flats and... a Chinese restaurant. Play darts and eat kebabs (real ones) in a Turkish pub a bit closer to civilisation. FInd an awesome chocolate shop which sells chilli chocolate so hot I could only manage two small pieces at a time. Get no sleep because Spain won the football and the whole city decides to stay awake outside our hotel window. WithOUT fireworks.

(The Chinese restaurant at the end of the universe)

And especially for Sarawr - tomatoes growing in the flower beds at Sanssoucy:

What I learned about Berlin in a very short time:
- Their iced coffees are almost as good as Australian iced coffees, and leave British attempts in the dust.
- I need to go back and do more touristy things - I am fascinated in a very cliched way by the Berlin Wall.
- The Turkish food there is indeed rather wonderful.
- My German is kind of passable.
- The public transport is cheap and excellent.
- Pfifferling mushrooms are yummy - in season now.
Sunday 29/6: Fly back home. Go to bed too late. Cry in the shower because I am so grumpy.
Monday 30/6: Wake up exhausted and headachey after too much walking for a pregnant person and not enough sleep in Germany for any kind of person. Work.
Thursday 3/7: Almost fall over from tiredness when I get out of bed. Stumble through the day and because I am a perfect wife still go to M's poetry reading in the evening.
Oh, I was wondering if you'd do this! It's even better with the pictures. :)
Wow...what a week Aunty A...mine would read as follows: go to work, water garden, pick raspberries, eat raspberries, go to bed, wake up, go to work, water garden, pick raspberries, eat raspberries, go to bed...... Looks like Berlin was great!!!!X
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