I may have to be admitted to hospital next Monday after my antenatal clinic appointment - just a precaution as the baby has not yet 'engaged' - which the internet tells me is not that unusual for a first baby at 37 weeks, so it's a bit annoying that I may have to spend a week in hospital doing nothing when I'm not ill, but I trust my doctor's instincts (a non-engaged baby is at risk of cord prolapse if labour starts). If the baby still hasn't engaged by the end of that week, they will keep me there and induce me - not my ideal scenario, but again, whatever is safest for baby. I am in a flurry of bag-packing, baby-clothes-washing and organising everything in case I only have until Sunday to finish it all.
fortyish australian, lives in terraced house in north london with a 4 year old and a feisty but fading goldfish. reads far too many 'mommyblogs'. misses sunshine and blue skies and twisties. addicted to reading actual books, sleeping and the scent of roses in other people's gardens.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
In other baby news
I may have to be admitted to hospital next Monday after my antenatal clinic appointment - just a precaution as the baby has not yet 'engaged' - which the internet tells me is not that unusual for a first baby at 37 weeks, so it's a bit annoying that I may have to spend a week in hospital doing nothing when I'm not ill, but I trust my doctor's instincts (a non-engaged baby is at risk of cord prolapse if labour starts). If the baby still hasn't engaged by the end of that week, they will keep me there and induce me - not my ideal scenario, but again, whatever is safest for baby. I am in a flurry of bag-packing, baby-clothes-washing and organising everything in case I only have until Sunday to finish it all.
On men
And yet they are. Bravo men!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Internet housewife
My life is suddenly so exciting.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I think I may not have to see my midwife again before the birth, (and she won't be at the birth) as it looks like I'll probably just continue to have 2-weekly appointments with my consultant in the antenatal clinic. Which suits me just fine... considering my consultant knows my name and face (and medical history) and the midwife wouldn't know me if she fell over me.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Way to put the guy under pressure when he's trying to sleep!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sometimes spam is just too amusing
(But wait, I do! It's called phishing!)
We have been having a meeting for the passed 7months which ended 2 days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS.This email is to all the people that have been scammed and defrauding any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of $600,000 Dollars for each.
(No way! I'm finally going to get back that $600,000 some Nigerian phisher scammed me out of? Sign me up!)
This also includes all the foreign contractors that have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc. So we found your name in our list and that is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. So you are advised to contact Mr. Jim Ovia of ZENITH BANK OF WEST AFRICA PLC, as he is our representative in West Africa, contact him immediately for your Cheque / International Bank Draft of USD$ 600,000. This compensation funds are in a Bank Draft for security purpose OK?
So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice or in your bank. Therefore, you should send him your, FULL NAME:....................? FULL CONTACT ADDRESS:.........? MOBILE PHONE NUMBER:..........? OCCUPATION:...................
(I know! How about I just send you my bank account details and you can deposit the money directly? Wouldn't you prefer that? Or maybe you're going to ask me for those when I'm a bit further into your net.... ok, I can wait.)
Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place Regards, Mr. Koffi Annan. Former Secretary (UNITED NATIONS).
(Who knew that Koffi Annan used gmail!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
But! I love looking at pictures of cupcakes! Thank heavens for all the delicious cupcake blogs around. I do miss Chockylits Bakeshop. Just look at this!
I find that shop-bought cupcakes (all cakes for that matter) never taste as good as those which are home-made. Someone prove me wrong.
This entry proudly brought to you by Exclamatory Remarks
It felt good to be buying my last-for-a-while monthly Travelcard last week! I might try out bus passes!
I painted three radiators yesterday!
M is listening to a tacky 60's CD on repeat while he paints windows! But it has 'King of the Road' on it! Happy!
Today I am sanding windows and cleaning exterior sills.
The sun is shining!! (this deserves two exclamation points) When it's sunny these days my first thought is that it's a good day to hang the washing outside!
Not to be negative! But Obama is not going to change the world (or the USA's place in it)! IMO!
I am feeling fat! And too tired and breathless to exercise!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Wildlife and epidurals
In other news, thanks to ginormous Fred the fibroid, and my rogue antibodies, the birthing centre at the hospital have risked me out of giving birth in their relatively lovely low-intervention midwife-led environment. I'm disappointed, as it means a much more 'hospital' scene, but the labour ward downstairs still has a birthing pool and birth balls, plus doctors for emergencies and uncomplicated access to an epidural if needed. This reinforces my desire to stay away from the hospital until the absolute last moment.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Pregnancy files - 29 weeks
With just one very crazed little human running up and down and jumping and surfing the crowd of itself.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Now I know where all the Waitrose Baby Butter has gone
I'm intrigued and want to try it (not necessarily on my face!) as their vanilla coconut massage oil is divine, and M and I have used it for massage for a couple of years. It's especially lovely on tired feet. But my local Waitrose is consistently sold out.
Enter ebay. There are pots and pots of the stuff for sale, exorbitantly priced as only ebay sellers know how to price in-demand items. Add in postage, and eager bidders, and you could easily pay £10 for what should cost you £2.49.
*NB, not made of real babies...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Little Chico *
That already, at 28 weeks and four days in utero, my baby is a chocoholic.
Don't give me any science about sugar or caffeine, this baby kicks like a donkey after I eat chocolate and I choose to interpret that as 'More Mummy, more!'
(*Chicos are actually kind of gross and probably very politically incorrect, but they are part of the Australian experience. Think chocolate jelly babies.)
Fox files
The overgrown nature of our garden - we have a strip at the back that we have left for years to go wild - has also attracted foxes, most notably a young pair of siblings, who were cubs when we first saw them rolling around together in the grass early one morning. A few mornings ago, I was surprised to see a large bright pink rubber bone in the middle of what we loosely call our lawn. I figured someone had accidentally thrown it into our garden. The next day it was closer to the house, with extra teethmarks, so we knew the foxes had been playing with it.
Today, M and I finished clearing out the shed, one of the many jobs M has set us in preparation for becoming parents in November. Seriously, we do not have a non-working weekend planned until mid-October, when I've told him I will be too pregnant to do anything (while attempting to drown out his mother's reminiscences about going into labour while she was working in the fields in Italy...) Rooting around in a shed that's full of spiders isn't nearly so daunting in England, where none of the little beasties are poisonous. Man, this country is so tame compared to Australia.
When he went beside the shed to clear what I hadn't even realised was a paved area (that's how overgrown it was) and stood in the cool darkness under the fig tree, he found a little den with more toys in it! A dog's ball, and some kind of plastic soldier toy. The foxes have been pilfering and storing their loot in our garden.
And I really am glad that they chose us. There's something very special about coming downstairs just after dawn (not a regular occurrence for me at the moment, but newborn baby here we come) and seeing rust-coloured beasts bounding around our garden, or hiding in the grass. We might be living in the country. And when, later in the day, the squirrel pops his cheeky head in and tries to get inside the house, then sits on a small concrete seat M made under the pear tree to nibble at fallen fruit, or seed pods, I feel very lucky to live here.
(btw, the paint colour in the nursery? Love it. It was just an initial 'that isn't identical to the swatch' reaction.)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Nursery painting
Doesn't fresh paint make a room look so clean!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
MIL wisdom
Podlet, you are going to be shocking your grandmother with my choice of clothing for you.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Today we cleaned and half-painted the spare room aka nursery. Sugarsoaped walls, cupboard and windowframes, painted the ceiling and wall above the picture rail white.
This is the colour I've chosen for the walls. I wanted a pale gum leaf colour, but of course very pale grey-green just looks grey and M vetoed it. So we have Woodland Pearl. It's pretty close, and of course the real colour is not exactly the same as the internet version.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Such a cliche
I am growing a chocoholic, by the way. The only thing that reliably gets the baby bouncing around is chocolate. And maybe blueberries. I've been eating heaps of blueberries to try to be nice to my legs, which are growing thread veins like it's a biological imperative.
I can't believe I haven't been keeping a pregnancy journal! It's not too late to start now though, and I figure I can remember enough, and have enough journal and blog entries to populate the early months and get into a routine from now on.
On that note, I am going 'in bed', as my Italian mother-in-law says.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Narnian adventures
At the door on the way out I was handed an A4 sheet of paper headed '4 Things We Can Learn From Prince Caspian'. It goes on to outline the 'four spiritual lessons we can learn' from the story.
Is it just me who is a bit nonplussed by this? I mean, way to go local churches for doing some targeted direct marketing I guess, but is there an adult who has read the Narnia Chronicles who isn't aware that Lewis wrote them as a Christian allegory? I've only read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and it was obvious to me when I read it again as an adult. I suppose a lot of people see the films only, without reading the books, but how could they have missed this aspect? Once you know it, the 'spiritual lessons' are written plainly on Aslan's furry face.
My critical assessment? Susan's lips were even bigger than in the first film, but I did like this song.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Lazy blogging
My week (and a bit)
by Anne
Wednesday 25/6: 4 hours sleep the night before. Fly to Berlin. Walk around all day. Go to some middle-of-nowhere place in East Berlin just for the hell of it and find there is nothing there. Find out from a colleague at work later that its name means 'Mosquito Bridge'. We did actually see some mosquitoes. Wander back into town and stumble across Checkpoint Charlie (bonus!). Get no sleep because Germany won the football and the whole city decides to stay awake outside our hotel window. With fireworks. Note to self - do not stay on the Ku-damm when Germany is playing in the European Cup (I think that was what it was). Actually... Revised note to self - do not go to Germany when Germany (or Turkey) is playing in the European Cup.
Thursday 26/6: Walk around all day in Berlin. Catch a tram to the end of the line in East Berlin and find... huge Soviet-style mega blocks of flats, more flats and... a Chinese restaurant. Play darts and eat kebabs (real ones) in a Turkish pub a bit closer to civilisation. FInd an awesome chocolate shop which sells chilli chocolate so hot I could only manage two small pieces at a time. Get no sleep because Spain won the football and the whole city decides to stay awake outside our hotel window. WithOUT fireworks.

(The Chinese restaurant at the end of the universe)

And especially for Sarawr - tomatoes growing in the flower beds at Sanssoucy:

What I learned about Berlin in a very short time:
- Their iced coffees are almost as good as Australian iced coffees, and leave British attempts in the dust.
- I need to go back and do more touristy things - I am fascinated in a very cliched way by the Berlin Wall.
- The Turkish food there is indeed rather wonderful.
- My German is kind of passable.
- The public transport is cheap and excellent.
- Pfifferling mushrooms are yummy - in season now.
Sunday 29/6: Fly back home. Go to bed too late. Cry in the shower because I am so grumpy.
Monday 30/6: Wake up exhausted and headachey after too much walking for a pregnant person and not enough sleep in Germany for any kind of person. Work.
Thursday 3/7: Almost fall over from tiredness when I get out of bed. Stumble through the day and because I am a perfect wife still go to M's poetry reading in the evening.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tuesday was our second wedding anniversary so we caught a train from Victoria to the Kent coast and ended up at Broadstairs. A wonderful day of walking on the beach, Italian food and watching teenagers jump from the forbidden pier. I even got ever so slightly sunburned - not something I would remotely tolerate in Australia, but here it's so unusual it felt healthy!
On June 10 2006, we probably would have laughed if you'd said that two years down the line we would be expecting a baby.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
What the fruit?

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
And lo it was done. While M and I watched 'Planet Earth' on DVD, I was transformed into a diligent housewife. It was fun, and had a great result, but that might be it for me and housewifery for the moment.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Apparently my baby is now about the size of a grapefruit. Seemingly a grapefruit positioned cunningly to put pressure both on my bladder and the fibroid.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I think it's pressing on my bowel, and while I would normally massage my abdomen to relieve the feeling of bloat and wind, I can't because my hand hits fibroid too soon, and I am not massaging my fibroid.
Finally found another pregnant woman (obgyn.net) with a pedunculated fibroid, and she's not having a good time of it as her fibroid is degenerating (i.e. dying) and causing major pain. My fibroid already did that once a couple of years ago and then came back better than ever. Lazarus as fleshy growth.
This lady warned me of some danger signs which could lead to miscarriage, so I will also talk about those with my doctor, and a doctor replied to my post with some information about how s/he treats fibroids with 'red degeneration' which is common in pregnancy.
Forewarned is forearmed. This is rather scary, but it may never happen. I can deal with this discomfort, and probably worse, as baby and fibroid grow, for another (gasp) 25 weeks if need be.
And I will also find out about the antibody issue on Monday. Our miracle baby is going to be even more of a miracle to make it unscathed through all of this. I can't wait to meet him/her.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Things that have changed since I became pregnant
- Eating sometimes feels like a job - am I getting enough calcium/iron/protein...
- Fred the fibroid is on a major growth spurt
- I haven't had a full night's sleep since mid February, when I was ooh, about a day pregnant
- I am beginning to learn to love my tummy
- Belts are not my friend
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Two scans down...
Secondly, whereas at the last scan (10 weeks, 3 days) I couldn't make out much on the screen at all - just hyper-magnified blobs as the technician whizzed around (while M could see the heart beating and everything - the scientist in him maybe?), this time (at 12 weeks) there really was was an actual little baby up there. Its legs were crossed at the ankles (just like mine when I lie on my back, I find it the most comfortable position), little hand moving up to its face and mouth every so often, and at one stage it turned its back on us. This is the first time the pregnancy has felt so real.
There is one little issue about antibodies which is of concern, but we don't have all the information yet, and I have this overwhelming feeling that everything is going to be just fine, so I'm going to go with it.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm mega-worried. Almost makes me long for the days when you were just pregnant until you had your baby. No scans, no tests, just the happy surprise at the end. And I know I could decline this test, but if there is something wrong, even something non-life-threatening like Downs Syndrome, I would rather know so we can prepare for a baby with special needs. I think it's pretty normal to want one's baby to be as healthy as possible, and I know that if this baby is Downs, it has been since the moment of conception - it's not because of something I have or haven't done. That's a big thing with me - maybe it's Catholic guilt.
Whatever happens, we'll always have the magical moment where we discovered we were having a baby. That we could. No one can take that away from us.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Baby photos
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Just a few snippets:
1. Prenatal vitamins, or rather the iron in prenatal vitamins, are the devil.
2. I'd love a little boy, but given my current obsessive predilection for old Britney Spears songs, I'm thinking there's a very girly girl in there somewhere.
3. I have never experienced this kind of yawning hunger before.
4. I wish I could sleep better. Feb 15 was my last good night of sleep. Which is not to say I don't feel like I could sleep forever. Surely the training for the sleepless, nappyfilled nights doesn't need to start this early?
5. That whole Chinese potty-training thing looks really good, if completely undoable in a London house. Or a London anywhere.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Watch out world
This is totally unexpected but welcome, as with my medical history (severe endometriosis) we thought that if we did ever try (which we weren't doing at the time) it would be an arduous, long effort, possibly punctuated by IVF or IVM. Nature had other plans.
There are no guarantees, but if it does work out, maybe I will be a
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Priorities, you're doing them wrong.
(And I'm applying for citizenship exactly why?)
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Down the long leg of the catwalker fishnet melts
to meshwork tobacco spittle. A black liquid garter.
Asphalt picks itself up – each scaly skin spread
between kerbstones is pulling free with a bass
pop. Every city suddenly a kicked nest of adders
coiling together into a spitting rope of pitch.
All along their spines household molecules un-
crack – hydrocarbon vertebrae whose Lego atoms
snap back into line in a chiropracty of electron-volts.
Cars at last cough up. Judder to a stop. Dig ignition-
deep to sputter swart apologies across the crisp white
shirts of their hosts. And every sump on its scrap-heap
bumps and boils its box-black kettle – rejoices openly
as through the stratosphere water-vapour and dioxide
recombine: weave fine mists of oil to drop charred
tapeworms of cirrus. Videos slime in the hand like
jumbo choc-ices. CDs in the rack pucker and shrink
to mushy black peas. Dentures gum up the works
jarred into toothless gaga. Those precise blocks
and avenues of electronics crinkle dark and
mediaeval. In the fast lane of the bowling alley
a caviar cannonball splashes ten full bottles of
devil’s milk – while those of the mobile who gas
this world down to its last nook into Porlock hell
shriek as they peel hot tar from lobes – Yes every
biro mothball racquet sags bleeds gutters
till the black string vest of tributaries resolves –
untangles towards tonsured ozone. Finally
we notice. On satellite-replays Presidents track
their sloed candyfloss economies writhing round
earth’s spindle – are caught on camera in black lip-
stick salve leaning to kiss the screen goodbye – and for
that moment the globe has a single gathering purpose
as a girl glances up from her fractions to witness
those filaments merge to a mother of twisters –
merge and rise and take her place. She watches
the whole black mass lift up and out into daytime
where it balls itself – steadies a wobbling edge
against blue to sling there its low fat circle. Crude
and glossy. She sees the birth of the full black moon
that lights our ways with dark.
Upholding standards
(And yes, I totally feel like some outraged dowager from the Home Counties, which is amusing for a girl from Brisbane, Australia.)
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Peak oil, people
I don't pretend to have a good understanding of this, but what I am becoming convinced of is that we are almost at the point of peak oil. We're almost there. Seriously. Estimates of peak oil range from 2012 to 2017, some up to 2035. I.e. tomorrow. For most people, driving a car (in its current form at least) is not going to be economically viable anymore (which gives me hope in terms of global warming), for everyone, prices of pretty much everything that requires transport are going to rise dramatically. Air travel is once again going to be the province of the rich, which again is great for global warming but leaves this little Australian high and dry. And wars will continue to be fought, even more desperately, for oil.
I hate seeing those emails that surface occasionally telling drivers to boycott buying petrol on a certain day to protest against fuel price rises. To me it completely misses the point. Yes, there are obscene profits being made, but people, we are RUNNING OUT of oil. The price is going to go up no matter what.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Give me a break!

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Frozen in a train station
I fear that this would mostly provoke irritation amongst Londoners, many of whom are already irritated to bursting point, if my interactions with commuters this week have been any indicator.
But I, for one, would love it.
Support the Public Lending Right
Public Lending Right (PLR) is the right for authors to receive payment under PLR legislation for the loans of their books by public libraries. Payments are made annually to registered applicants (including the poet) on the basis of loans data collected from a sample of public libraries in the UK.
A reduction in PLR funding will adversely affect the earnings of thousands of UK authors and illustrators. Many are self-employed, and in an industry as unpredictable as publishing, the annual PLR payment is a highly valued and reliable contribution to earnings.Maintenance of decent funding for the PLR is surely in the interests of all authors!
You may have already seen this. But will Gordon?
Saturday, February 09, 2008
And mud. This afternoon, just before the park closed for the dark hours, a tiny boy got an evil look on his face and made a mad dash for the only puddle in the park, muttering, 'Mud'. As his father leaped to halt his progress, the slightly older brother, standing with his bike, nodded and said, 'Mud', with a rueful smile. I guess his mudding days are over.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I'd still love you if you were grotesquely ugly, it's just that I'd be loving you through another woman's body.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sometimes I think Miranda July has a window into my mind
Are you angry? Punch a pillow. Was it satisfying? Not hardly. These days people are too angry for punching. What you might try is stabbing. Take an old pillow and lay it on the front lawn. Stab it with a big pointy knife. Again and again and again. Stab hard enough for the point of the knife to go into the ground. Stab until the pillow is gone and you are just stabbing the earth again and again, as if you want to kill it for continuing to spin, as if you are getting revenge for having to live on this planet day after day, alone.